O' Bugis, my second home.

I love Japanese food! I love food.
Went Bugis shopping with Alvyn on Sunday! & the silly smart scholar friend is flying the next day to enjoy in Thailand! That's the start of my current spree of shopping everyday at Bugis oh god hahaha. Today is the 4th day! Made friends with some shop owners who give me discounts heehee. OH AM I A SHOPAHOLIC. After the day of awesome crazy shopping and buying useful clothes, we headed to Jurong Point for dinner with Zen! And I was craving for Japanese cuisine while Alvyn craved for ramen. But ichiban doesn't provide ramennnnnn. Santouka next time okay old friend?

Summary of what we ate!! Yum yum.

I got this Totora hat cause I've resisted it too many times and I decided to let myself have it...

My favourite!! 

This is delicious!

My sauce with chilli~

My favourite of all times!!!

I love eating, I need to detox soon, I feel it coming. Anyone willing to be my detox partner? Healthier life, healthier food, lose some weight in the process.. I don't wanna do it alone!!

And here are the two loves of my life, MY ADORABLE HAMSTERS THANK YOU. They are opposite of each other in terms of character.. every thing..! Gives them air kisses every time :)))))) I feel like a mom. Just better than human moms cause I don't need to listen to every word my hamsters tell me. I can't comprehend them anyway. Hope they never die.

Nitamago everyone!