Inaner Ahead.
Why hello everyone, how has your days been?? It's 5am but my final submission's tomorrow but god isn't this crazy. Le Boyfriend is sound asleep deadbeat from studying. So I shall update my space if anyone still reads it.
I'm so amazed by Blogspot!! THEY UPGRADED! Uploading photos is such a breeze now! Gosh, I"M LOVINGGG IT! This looks pretty like a self-indulgence post but all I've got now are plagiarized from myself through facebook etc. See what's been happening in my life! PSS, most of the photos are square-d cause I feel like it.
MY DIY-ED NAMES! I couldn't be happier with myself. I made then when Alvyn, Zen, Yicheng, Jake, Yan & Angie were over at my house playing mahjong!
This was taken in a toilet. Geez, toilet shots are so indulging.
And here's mushroom soup made by my Zen!!! IT'S CRAZILY DELICIOUS!! I know right, I was so into it with an unusual caption that some of my friends made a topic out of it. BUT I'M SO GLAD I FOUND MY PERFECT MAN IN HIM.
And here are my precious babies, Dino & Milo **SMOOCHES** I never thought that hamsters are cute. I thought of them as boring, small, insignificant, buy&throw pets until I got MY VERY FIRST ONE. THEY ARE SO LOVELY... They make me smile so wide and feel all fuzzy inside! SENSE OF OWNERSHIP.
Here's one of my product for my modules. It's supposed to be a 8 color double layered skirt. I love itttt I'm so gonna wear it and parade down orchard roadddd. It's not about doing something crazy or proving that I'm young and wild. I'm just super proud of what I have created and I can't wait to show everyone!
A series of photobooth during the car ride!
I did masque! Masque's my best friend. Take care of your skin everyone! It starts ageing at 25!!
Here's a screenshot of my animation project!! I have no idea why I made it the way I made it, but making my bottle simply rotate up and showing the contents were never on my cards. MY BOTTLE HAS TO VOMIT EXPLODING STARS AND SPLIT INTO MANY DUPLICATES. COSMIC POWER! It's all in the fun isn't it.