Archive for November 2011

Never let the hand you hold, hold you back.

When you start to really know someone, all his physical characteristics start to disappear. You begin to dwell in his energy, recognize the scent of his skin. You see only the essence of the person, not the shell. That's why you can't fall in love with beauty. You can lust after it, be infatuated by it, want to own it. You can love it with your eyes and your body, but not your heart. And that's why, when you really connect with a person's inner self, any physical imperfections disappear, become irrelevant.

The essence of life is not being perfect, impressing people, or succeeding at everything. The essence of life is simply making mistakes and learning from them, surrounding yourself with people that love you when you're being yourself, and getting through the failures so that you can continue improving.

Here's an influx of orange hair! Well, the semester is coming to an end. And with all my homework piling up, I might go ahead with the great escape!! Before that, here's me posing for my pretty junior Juu! With FEATHERS!! I LOVE FEATHERS!! These are plain gorgeous! Do click here for her tutorial on these feather chain hair clips! OperationOverhaul !

Matching nail color <3

Guo Jun father's bubbletea!

JUU/JULIANA! All these are handmade by her! & she's sharing with you HOW-TO.

Syaz came back! Almost couldn't recognise him!


/////////////// For more professional gorgeous photos of the feather chain hairclip, head over to her website!! Here's just photos of me being a camwhore Queen.

Original orange hair with my Totally brown hair!

I said I won't stop till I get orange on my whole head! So I bought bleach and bleached the darker hair!

Perfect color!

New fringe parting!

A woman becomes a woman when she realizes she doesn't always need a man to comfort her. Nitamago! I dozed off a couple of times making this post!

I stopped making sense a long time ago

Why hello! I haven't been typing for awhile now, pictures and pictures and pictures. I mean, I was going to post a picture killer post but I stopped at one event. Too much. Anyway here's just something I found:

Fucking disturbing much.

I am actually feeling rather alive now, domineering, empowering, egoistic. I have all these feelings; these weird feelings, and I’ve had this burning desire to express them. But I can’t. I just can’t. And these feelings, they’re trapped and they’re like stuck in my heart.. And I just feel so lonely. There ought to be a place to go when you can’t sleep or you’re getting too tired of getting drunk and the grass doesn’t work anymore, and I don’t mean go on to hash or cocaine, I mean a place to go besides a death that’s willing and a love that doesn’t work anymore. Pain's not bad, it's good. It teaches you things. I understand that. This is me, a part of me and this is one image of mine I'm proud of. I'm a shamelessly self-assured narcissist person. Complaining about my hair doesn't make me insecure.

Sorry Justareader. but hell no, NO BB CREAM. I use Ideal Dual Powder Foundation & 3D face powder by Artistry.

Syaz ambush! HAHAHA. He's always around, and it's good that he's always around. Iconic.

Hmm 1-2 years ago? When my hair was brown and straight. If you want me to have brown hair, please indicate and pass me $10. When I raise $100, I'll go get my hair back to a gorgeous brown. Thanks. IM DAMN ANGRY NOW. SOMEONE BLEACH MY HAIR FOR ME. YOU GET TO SPEND THE WHOLE DAY WITH ME. Prissy girl going off. No nitamago for you guys today.

You have no idea how many words I deleted. Because you don't need to know. Sadness can be so beautiful.